As one of the world's leading technical professional association, IAASSE offers a number of ways to get involved with technical and local events. IAASSE Awards and Travel Grants provide unique opportunities for its members to attend technical presentations, create strong peer-to-peer connections, and participate in leadership opportunities that can make a positive distinction in their jobs and careers.
The IAASSE-Awards and Student Travel Grant provides funds to students to help cover the cost of conference registration fees, travelling and lodging to the IAASSE sponsored/organized conferences.
Accomplishments in IAASSE technical fields are recognized with awards for outstanding contributions for society. The following awards recognize individuals for their exceptional contribution in the IAASSE fields of interest.:
Best Paper Awards-The Best Paper Award is presented to the author(s) judged by an awards committee to have written the best paper presented in the annual conferences.
Best Student Paper Awards-The Best Student Paper is presented to the author of the best paper that is written primarily or solely by a student.
Those who are not presenting the work at the conference are NOT eligible for awards.
Authors are expected to register using the �Early-bird� conference registration fees.
The IAASSE relies on donations to award grants to new and innovative research work that support a variety of educational, technological and peer-recognition ideas of IAASSE.
Those authors who are not presenting the work at the conference are NOT eligible for travel grant.
The travel grant is a fixed amount so that awardees can actually use the amount to attend the conference.
The selection is to be made on basis of the author's role and objectives in the research being presented at the conference and the extent to which a grant is needed in order to attend the conference. Preference will be given to those authors who have not received any travel grant in the past.
To become eligible, students are expected to register using the early-bird conference registration fees and to keep travel and lodging costs as economical as possible.
The travel grant is to be given in the form of reimbursements, so students will need to cover their costs upfront.
If you have further questions, you are welcome to mail us at